I had so much fun getting to know Michelle and her cute mom. Here are some things that Michelle's family had to say about her.
"Michelle is very social. She is easy going and makes friends easily. She loves to travel with family and spend time with friends. She is a dedicated dancer and works hard to become her best." — Mom
"Michelle is creative! I admire her desire to sew and do other crafty things. She is aware of others around her and considerate of their time, attention, and needs. She expressed a lot of gratitude for things that people do for her and it shows how thoughtful she is." — Aunt Jenny
"Sweet Chella has always been Sweet Chella to her Uncle Mark. So cute and precious, she is just so kind and caring. She sees others around her and is in tune with the needs of others. She doesn't make a big deal about it, just connects with them because she can sense a need. She doesn't judge others, rather treats everyone with respect without expectation of anything in return." — Uncle Mark
"Michelle is the kind of person who makes life easier. She is sensitive to the needs and wants others to be happy. She is a good example of what it means to love others. She loves others freely and they love her in return! I am lucky to be her mom!" — Mom
"What I love most about Michelle right now is how sweet she is with my little Piper. I always know that Piper will have a good time when Michelle is watching her. I also love to watch Michelle with her sisters Allie and Livie. Since they are closer in age, they kind of have a built in friendship, but Michelle is such a good big sister. I silently watch her take care of her little sisters all the time and help them learn and do new things. She's so sweet in her quiet little way. I also love watching her develop a stronger interest in dancing, since she began dancing with a new group a little while back." — Uncle Mark
"What I love most about Michelle is that she is becoming her own person. She's transitioning from child to young adult. Yes, she has made some mistakes, but I believe she's learning from them. Just as we all do." — Grandma Susan
"She seems to have learned how to adapt. Especially with having two younger sisters and a bigger age gap — I can imagine that it can be hard at times to negotiate activities, getting the attention she needs/wants, and balance doing more teenage stuff with stuff her sisters like." — Aunt Susan
"One of Michelle's biggest achievements has been stepping out of her quiet shell and expressing herself through dance. She was brave enough to try out for her school's dance team. I have seen a positive change in her confidence." — Uncle Mark
"The one piece of advice that I would give Michelle would be that things don't always turn out exactly how you have it planned in your mind. Many things have changed in my life and it has turned out different than I had envisioned when I was younger. The advice would be to make the best of every situation and just enjoy things around you. Also, friends come and go and they get involved with their own families, but your family is always yours. Work on building those relationships the most, because they will turn out to be the best, longest lasting, and sweetest relationships you ever have. Families truly are forever." — Uncle Mark